{{ trans('theme.payment_options') }}

@php $config_shop = vendor_get_paid_directly() ? $shop : null; // When admin get paid but still give option to vendors on/off a active payment method. $active_payment_methods = isset($shop) && !vendor_get_paid_directly() && vendor_can_on_off_payment_method() ? $shop->paymentMethods->pluck('id')->toArray() : []; // Don't show manual payment options for downloadables if ((isset($contain_digital_carts) && $contain_digital_carts) || $cart->is_digital) { $paymentMethods = $paymentMethods->reject(function ($paymentMethod) { return in_array($paymentMethod->code, ['cod', 'wire']); }); } @endphp @foreach ($paymentMethods as $paymentMethod) {{-- When admin get paid but still give option to vendors on/off a active payment method --}} @continue(!vendor_get_paid_directly() && isset($shop) && vendor_can_on_off_payment_method() && !in_array($paymentMethod->id, $active_payment_methods)) @php $config = get_payment_config_info($paymentMethod->code, $config_shop); $suffix = ''; if ($paymentMethod->code == 'zcart-wallet' && isset($config['config'])) { $suffix = ' (' . get_formated_currency($config['config']) . ')'; } // Share the payment config to global level so other views can access \View::share('config_' . str_replace('-', '_', $paymentMethod->code), json_encode($config)); @endphp {{-- Skip the payment option if not confirured --}} @continue(!$config || !is_array($config) || !$config['config']) {{-- @if ($paymentMethod->code !== 'pip' && $shop->config->pay_online) --}} @if ($customer && $paymentMethod->code == 'stripe' && $customer->hasBillingToken())
{{-- @endif --}} @endif {{-- @if ($paymentMethod->code == 'pip' && $shop->config->pay_in_person) --}}
{{-- @endif --}} @endforeach
{{-- authorize-net --}} @include('partials.authorizenet_card_form') {{-- Stripe --}} @include('partials.strip_card_form') {{-- Razorpay --}} @if (is_incevio_package_loaded('razorpay')) @endif {{-- M-Pesa Payment --}} @if (is_incevio_package_loaded('mpesa')) @include('mpesa::mpesa_payment_form') @endif {{-- Warehouse adddress --}}

{{ trans('theme.pickup') }}

@php $warehouseIds = []; @endphp @foreach ($cart->inventories as $key => $inventory) @if ($inventory->warehouse) @if (!in_array($inventory->warehouse_id, $warehouseIds)) @php $warehouseIds[] = $inventory->warehouse_id; @endphp @endif @endif @endforeach
{{-- End warreHouse address --}}


{{-- MercadoPago Payment --}} @if (is_incevio_package_loaded('mercado-pago')) @include('mercadoPago::card_form') @endif